- I liked a YouTube video — The Strange Powers of the Placebo Effect http://youtu.be/yfRVCaA5o18?a #
- The continuing influence of "Clarissa Explains It All" http://otf.me/IZA #
- Twitter searches Manhattan office market for space – http://otf.me/Igp #
- @AlexGuichet Hey, I have no problem with going out and buying a theme and modifying it. #
- Slate is looking for summer interns. http://otf.me/IhS #
- NYT: Fox Debates Dropping Glenn Beck http://otf.me/Ihc #
- USAToday finds that 1,610 schools probably helped students cheat on standardized tests. http://otf.me/Ihe #
- A note from @connect2mason about their newly launched Twitter ads http://bit.ly/fSH8rX cc @CICM #collegejourn #
- RT @guykawasaki Social networking & man's best friend [infographic] – Holy Kaw! http://bit.ly/gDUfQo #
- Why Allbritton was right to short-circuit TBD. http://aramzs.me/2y #
- Twitter searches Manhattan office market for space – http://otf.me/Imu #
- Screen Reading Before Bed Still Bad for Sleep, and We All Still Do It http://ff.im/-zmwhY #
- Alice: Madness Returns gameplay trailer is no tea party http://ff.im/-zmwGq #
- Why Facebook Is Not the Cure For Bad Comments http://t.co/1HJ41S9 #
- Why Facebook Is Not the Cure For Bad Comments http://ff.im/-zmwKi #
- "Another wonderful example, more powerful as words than as an image" – http://otf.me/InL #
- I liked a YouTube video — The Chronicles of Rick Roll – Official Trailer (HD) http://youtu.be/BRm01IruyWA?a #
- Wrap-up: Comments on Facebook comments, Twitter in Manhattan, Skype runs ads, Schools help students cheat on tests http://aramzs.me/2z #
- Links 3-7-11: Facebook comments, Alice returns, Twitter in Manhattan, Ask Me Anything in USA Today – http://aramzs.me/2z #
- TBD's real problem was the threat they presented by empowering citizen journalists – http://aramzs.me/2y #
- I'm always glad to see a comment on my blog, but I wish that it was a big more constructive than just blanket disagreement. #
- I liked a YouTube video — LA Noire: Gameplay Video Trailer http://youtu.be/jeYym1U226M?a #
- Your GitHub Activity, Now Available on LinkedIn http://ff.im/-zmTiN #
- NPR Execs Call Tea Partiers ‘Gun-Toting Racists’ According To Hidden Camera Video http://ff.im/-zmTng #
- Netflix Unfriended by Facebook TV http://ff.im/-zmTqU #
- Report: Oprah’s OWN Network Plans ‘Reboot’ To ‘Win Back’ Viewers Two Months After Launch http://ff.im/-zmTqW #
- Tropicana Raises Prices http://ff.im/-zmTsa #
- Gallup Finds Consumer Confidence Declines Materially On Surging Gas Prices, Budget Battles And S&P Decline http://ff.im/-zmTxb #
- Skype Starts Running Ads, Says You Won't Notice http://ff.im/-zmTDo #
- Why Haven’t Riots Hit the US Yet? http://ff.im/-zmTDn #
- Al Jazeera launches Twitter dashboard to track uprisings http://ff.im/-zmTGw #
- Report: GTA V Codenamed “Rush” http://ff.im/-zmTKv #
- Libyan Rebels Reject Gadhafi Exit Deal http://ff.im/-zmTSc #
- Hyper-Local Ad Network Chalkboard Helps Stores Increase Walk-In Traffic http://ff.im/-zmTYB #
- Want Just A Credit Report From TransUnion? Too Bad http://ff.im/-zmU2b #
- Stephen King pens 1,000-page JFK novel http://ff.im/-zmUeT #
- ‘You can no more ‘promote’ a writer to be an editor than you can ‘promote’ a plumber to be a gardener’ http://ff.im/-zmUfn #
- Lights Out Netflix? Facebook (And Its 600 Million Users) Enters "Zero Barriers To Entry" Video Streaming Market http://ff.im/-zmUj6 #
- Backupify Makes Your Social Media Data Searchable, Restorable http://ff.im/-zmUlf #
- Reuters aims to ‘cut through the clutter’ with new specialised news products http://ff.im/-zmUm7 #
- The Truth. How TV (Advertising) Ruined Your Life. http://ff.im/-zmUmW #
- Charlie Sheen’s Hiring A Social Media Intern: Possibly The Best Worst Job In The World http://ff.im/-zmUq1 #
- InMobi Adds More Evidence That Android Is #Winning (With 37 Percent Mobile Ad Share) http://ff.im/-zmUxG #
- “The Message is the Messenger” [Infographic] http://ff.im/-zmUDq #
- ‘Child Pornography’ Now Just Excuse To Prosecute Any Kind of Speech http://ff.im/-zmYg0 #
- RT @villagevoice Unfollow Charlie Sheen on Twitter Day this Friday: Do It for America! http://bit.ly/h3VLeB #
- Err… I guess I broke Facebook because I can't log in and I'm getting an error message – http://www.facebook.com/sorry.php?msg=account #
- Interesting stat… apparently visitors to my blog spend 50% more time on my site when they are interacting with @Apture . #
- @uberdrivel Sorry to cut our convo short, but Facebook has kicked me out of my account for some reason. I think I broke it. 😛 #
- Saints Row: The Third to drop multiplayer, keep co-op and add air strikes http://otf.me/Ium #
- It all started with a check-in: the vision for #4sq3 and beyond [New Foursquare app drops today!] http://otf.me/Ivk #
- I'm a Fan of Deus Ex: Human Revolution on @GetGlue http://bit.ly/9yQ11o #
- I'm a Fan of Deus Ex: Human Revolution on @GetGlue http://bit.ly/9yQ11o #
- Demand Media Buys Liveblogging Tool CoverItLive http://t.co/biTTdkZ via @techcrunch #
- 4 ways to fail upward with written text – http://aramzs.me/30 #
- Links 3-8-11: Facebook vs Netflix, NPR executive on tape, Unfollow Charlie Sheen day – http://aramzs.me/31 #
- Four tips for iterating your writing for success – http://aramzs.me/30 #
- @nitesh_arora I'm not sure what the main page is, but I use http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/rss.xml #
- A whole new world of Specials http://ff.im/-znJvy #
- Hey @joystiq – Your huge Dragon Age 2 sidebar ad is blocking the actual content I'm on your site to look at and I can't close it. #
- @bigbossbgilbert I was looking up Darkspore news (they just launched pre-order) and it was on http://ow.ly/4aXaX #
- @chrisgrant @BigBossBgilbert Sure, it is still popping up on there, just refreshed it and took this screengrab – http://ow.ly/i/8YxI #
- @chrisgrant It does not have a close button below. I'm using latest release of Windows RockMelt (Chrome-based), green button=onetruefan. #
- @chrisgrant Not sure if you fixed it, but it just started working when I refreshed it again. #
- @chrisgrant @bigbossbgilbert Working great now. Thank you! #
- Weirdly… the Vienna/Fairfax-GMU Metro station has a Wikipedia entry… http://ow.ly/4b6rf #
- Doctor Who season six airing on BBC America the same day as in the UK? [Television] http://ff.im/-znUg3 #
- The Psychology of Games: The Unit Effect and Player Perceptions http://ff.im/-znUog #
- Is Unemployment Really Declining? http://ff.im/-znUDP #
- How to Create a Personalized Newspaper (in theory) http://ff.im/-znUG2 #
- New Hampshire GOP Seeks to Suppress Student Voters — Since They "Vote Their Feelings" http://ff.im/-znUGE #
- Ombud: Don’t NPR execs think of consequences before they act? http://ff.im/-znUHx #
- 10 Million Kinects and one Internet Explorer http://ff.im/-znUIl #
- Cognitive Reverse Engineering Explains The Incredible Allure Of Angry Birds [Gamer Science] http://ff.im/-znUPR #
- @dc2ny I'm at union station, where is the bus to NY? #
- @dc2ny Yup but they got here.I'm glad I waited it out.You lost one however, she freaked out and jumped the bolt. #
- No big blog post today, traveled to NYC for #cmanyc11 – http://aramzs.me/32 #
- StumbleUpon to Expand to New Platforms – More Traffic for Everybody? http://ff.im/-zo93R #
- Where do the greenest commuters live? Not Portland http://ff.im/-zo94a #
- How Is Social Media Not Journalism? http://ff.im/-zo9k9 #
- Angry Birds Maker Rovio Raises $42 Million From Accel, Atomico And Felicis http://ff.im/-zorZp #
- Jetpack http://ff.im/-zos5M #
- Sony Radically Reorganizes Company, Promotes PlayStation Business Head Hirai http://ff.im/-zos6B #
- Finding Content and Gaining Trust — The Future of Publishing http://ff.im/-zosoX #
- Journalists game state budgets to help citizens understand legislators’ dilemma http://ff.im/-zosAC #
- You Don't Need the iPad 2 http://ff.im/-zosBW #
- The Seductive But Flawed Logic of Principal Reduction http://ff.im/-zot02 #
- If your site publishes paid links, you risk Google’s wrath http://ff.im/-zot0u #
- Publishers must focus on the open Web, not Android, to gain upper hand with Apple http://ff.im/-zot11 #
- Untappd: I Will Curate My Nascent Alcoholism With This Social Drinking App http://ff.im/-zot4p #
- Read it Later Officially Brings Their Offline Article Reader to Android [Downloads] http://ff.im/-zot5T #
- Fear of failure cripples innovation and good journalism | Wannabe Hacks http://ff.im/-zot80 #
- Dalai Lama Plans to Step Down as Tibetan Political Leader http://ff.im/-zot8U #
- Nieman: Lessons of the Like Log http://ff.im/-zotaO #
- 26 Ways to Use Social Media for Lead Generation http://ff.im/-zotg2 #
- No more invite codes, Memolane is open for everyone http://otf.me/J6p #
- @reasaurus I assume that Garageband will be an app that can be used on iPad1 as well. But yes, I agree, iPads are great toys. #
- One man's Flickr self-portrait ends up on shirts, walls and a symbol of civil unrest, all without his knowledge – http://ow.ly/4bGPK #
- I liked a YouTube video — Team Fortress 2 – The Demo Knight http://youtu.be/t-T2I6sEsrY?a #
- Wisconsin Senate Democrats preparing to return, lawmaker says http://t.co/nkm5jxq via @washingtonpost #
- Everything You Need To Know About The Death Of FBML http://otf.me/J8H #
- Washington Post Explores the Future of Journalism Via Tumblr http://otf.me/JDG #
- Charlie Sheen Not Dead, But Virus Spreads On Facebook http://otf.me/JE8 #
- Macy's sponsoring Thanksgiving Day Parade movie adaptation http://otf.me/JEA #
- Vanity Fair profiles 4chan http://otf.me/JED #
- I earned the Lurker sticker on @GetGlue! http://bit.ly/hJEkgz #
- Meh… College Publisher really needs to offer users Open Graph options. There are some horrible looking Facebook shares. #
- Fact of the day – A Kindle has a native web browser resolution of 600×706 #
- On my way to run my first workshop at #cmanyc11 #
- I'm at Metro North – Larchmont Train Station (1 Railroad Way, at Chatsworth Ave, Larchmont) http://4sq.com/faALSY #
- Setting up for my #cmanyc11 presentation on Social Media – http://ow.ly/4d35j #
- @cdigang And that is why I was never a sports reporter. I can tell you about points in SEO though 😛 #
- @cdigang Hey, I'm all for it 🙂 Though somehow I managed to tweet at you from the wrong account >.< #
- Tried out the Nintendo 3DS at a demo in Grand Central station. The 3D worked. Crazy. http://ow.ly/i/95rP #
- On the Media: NPR video takedown highlights a disturbing news trend http://otf.me/JNH #
- "We are your youth and we have something to say" Students protest vote to strip Planned Parenthood of federal funding. http://ow.ly/4dbKS #
- @marielianne I was able to choose a depth and focus level so it wasn't hard to look at, I felt weird after I stopped using it though. #
- Redoing SEO presentation for tomorrow and realized that, for some reason, Google's algorithm changes had moved my blog from page 1 to 12. #
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